Powys Moorland Partnership: A Talk on the Wildside
The Powys Moorland Partnership (PMP) invites Rob Yorke, inhabitant of the Black Mountains, rural surveyor and commentator, to host a conversation at The Globe on our changing uplands. Covering farming, public access, curlew, forestry, 'rewilding', flooding, heather beetle, peat bogs, pine martens, grouse, govt funding - no subject is off-limits in this two-way conversation.
What might they look like, how would we like them to evolve in the future? Talk of reintroduced mammals into dark forests surrounded by open moorland, changing pressures and priorities that influence land managers, tourists, and farmers, their livelihoods and the related wildlife that grabs the media’s attention without framing the complexity of the countryside today.
The PMP is part of a 3 year ‘sustainability’ project on the value of our uplands and how we can make better use of them – for the environment and for us. By improving their health, we can seek to improve our own health by getting more people involved in understanding and contributing to helping make a mix of complex ecosystems and remote rural communities work more resiliently into the future.