Sun 9 Apr 2023

Once Upon A Tomorrow…/Un Tro Yfory… Surrealism in Wales

At the thirteenth stroke of midnight the Celtic Eye surveys the land of the insurgent Rebecca….
Creating new myths and memories, we surrealists in Wales are ‘specialists in revolt’ (André Breton, 1924) who seek merely to re-enchant the world and make it anew. We proclaim our rejection of the stultifying dead hand of the reality principle and hurl our barbs at the Society of the Spectacle, at a life not lived and one categorised by Miserabilism, alienation and the suppression of the human spirit. It will, therefore, be no surprise that we embroider our banner with André Breton’s favourite dictum, ‘ni dieu ni maître’ (No God No Master) (Arcane 17). Echoing Rimbaud’s call to ‘Change Life’ and Marx’s to ‘Change the World’, for us the emancipation of the imagination and humanity’s social emancipation are one and the same! 

Interested, or simply nothing better to do? Then why not throw caution to the wind, remove the tiles from your head and join us for a surreal day on 9th April including:
 An exhibition of Surrealist paintings, collages and photographs by members of the Welsh Tribe of Surrealists
 A discussion of the origins of Surrealism, its key tenets and contemporary relevance - Surrealism is Dead, Long Live Surrealism!
 For those who thought Surrealism was only to do with melted clocks, why not try a bit of Dragon in your surrealist soup and hear about the incredible story of Surrealism in Wales.
Surrealism and Cinema – In this session, we will talk about how Surrealists have made use of film, what is meant by ‘convulsive cinema’ and then turn the lights down and show some recent
 To round off events, in our evening session, Beyond the Limits of Reason: Surrealist Poetry, we will be sharing recent and historic poetic texts with an opportunity for Q&A.

Community event 12.00pm
SiW Full